George Kelly

Food&Drink Supervisor


2001 Graduated National University,
Department of Hotel & Restaurant Mangement.
Author of numerous articles on Economics and HR Management.

Email George:
Phone: +1(800)123-4566

Honors & Awards

Feeling tired and tense? Do not miss the opportunity to visit our wonderful Spa Studio to get rid of the daily...

Not only the food is expertly delivered to our customers, but also we entertain an open bar for those who like to...


International Communication
Research and Planning
Food Production and Services


2006Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie.
2009Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy.
2013Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium.


Aliquam fermentum, lorem ut consequat mattis, tellus ante vestibulum est, id sagittis turpis nisl in augue.
Nice theme
Mark Chapman
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High speed and quality
Martin Moore
"Wow, not only is it beautiful, but also professional and multi-functional. I am definitely re-designing my website and using one of the themes made by these guys!"
I love ThemeREX
Anna Lee
hotel manager